Proper Disposal of Waste from Gardens

In the household, the garden generates the maximum amount of organic waste. Garden waste includes grass clippings, tree and shrub trimmings, leaves, and similar organic effluvia. In many counties, it is illegal to pack garden waste for disposal in landfills. In this scenario, proper disposal of garden waste is a challenge.

Increasingly many households are turning garden waste into usable compost. Composting is viewed as an environmentally sound option that recycles huge amounts of organic waste into an invaluable resource. Alternately, there exist household waste recycling centers that accept garden waste for commercial composting which is ploughed back into agricultural land as soil reformer. This usage of garden waste by turning it into compost better organizes your household.

Compost is Green Gold

If you wish to recycle your garden waste into green gold by composting it, you can either purchase a readymade compost bin or build your own compost site. Compost bins are available at garden centers and affordable. Simply add organic waste to this bin, turn it periodically for better aeration, and your green gold will emerge in few weeks. Alternately you may choose a secluded spot in your garden to build a simple compost pile. Just dump all your organic garden waste in one spot, turn the pile frequently and you will garner good results in the form of usable compost. This household compost pile can even accept all your kitchen organic waste.

Organized Household

The proper disposal of garden waste is now a household task. Many households have undertaken this activity voluntarily to lessen the burden on landfills. Summer time is the peak time for organic waste build-up and households actively engage in constructing compost piles to break down this huge waste into compost. All garden waste is effectively better organized; it is neatly piled up in one corner. This compost pile is versatile for even accepting organic kitchen and household waste.

So organize your house better by garden waste segregation for reuse. You don't need to lug huge plastic bags full of garden residue to the curb for collection. Simply start an elementary compost pile and watch your waste turn into green gold.

Get more information about organic waste dispose, you can visit here: ""

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