How to Segregate Waste the Right Way

Do you want to get rid of the waste produced in your house or apartment in a responsible and organized way? You will need to stick to a proper waste management system. In this article, we talk about the all the correct ways you can adopt to segregate and dispose of garbage. Keep reading to find out more.

1. How to Manage Biodegradable Waste

Biodegradable or organic waste consists mostly of the waste that is generated in our kitchens. It includes green waste, food waste, paper waste, and biodegradable plastics. These types of wastes do not need much special treatment, as they can be broken down to their initial components by microorganisms living in the soil, in a reasonable amount of time.

These wastes can be used for composting, as they are a rich soil additive and can be used to fertilize your garden.

2. What is Non-biodegradable Waste Management

Non-biodegradable waste cannot be broken down by any simple biological means. This waste type lasts for a long time, and if not managed properly, can have a negative effect on the environment.

Non-biodegradable wastes can be further segregated for proper garbage disposal.

i. Recyclable Waste

Recycling is the process of converting products like metal cans, plastic containers, glass bottles, bulbs, discarded electronic products and so on, into something that can be used again. Recycling has a positive environmental as well as economic effect. For example, recycling metal cans or tins can save about 74% of the energy that was used to produce them.

ii. Toxic Waste

Toxic or hazardous waste includes old medicines(GreenBeston's medical waste pyrolysis plant can help you to treat this kind of waste in particular, click here to visit:, paints, chemicals fertilizers, and pesticide containers, battery shells, fluorescent bulbs and so on. These wastes are harmful to be kept around the house. They are also not easy to get rid of. They need to be put in bags marked as "Hazardous/Toxic Wastes" and disposed at sites authorized for this purpose solely.

iii. Soiled Waste

These are wastes like clothes, cotton, bandages and plasters that are soiled by blood, stool, vomit or other bodily fluids. These are mostly generated at the hospital and need to be incinerated, as they are not hygienic enough to be reused.

How to Dispose of Segregated Waste

1. Start a compost pit in your back yard for your biodegradable waste products.

2. Buy different bins for different types of wastes. Properly segregate each type of waste into their appropriate bins.

3. Various organizations recycle waste. You can arrange with any of them to pick up your recyclable waste weekly. You can also find the companies who engages in waste recycling, such as greenbeston.

4. Some of the hazardous wastes can be recycled. For example, 60% of a car battery consists of lead, which can be recycled and used in new batteries.

5. Toxic wastes in general need to be disposed off. There are collection facilities available in every major city, which will collect your toxic waste and then dispose them in landfills or pits marked especially for this purpose.

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